
Problematic Prostate

Hugh Sadlier, M.Ed, BCCH
Board Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Hypno-Health
A 72-year-old gentleman came to Hypno Health out of desperation. Since the age of 60, he had been having urinary symptoms. They started with having to urinate more often and getting up once each night to empty his bladder. He began taking natural supplements, and the symptoms subsided. When they came back several years later, more strongly than before, he saw his primary care physician, who diagnosed his issue as benign prostate hyperplasia (enlarged prostate), the most common prostate problem for men over 50. “By the age of 60, over one-half of men have BPH; by age 85, the number climbs to 90%, according to the American Urological Association. [1] The doctor reviewed treatment alternatives, from medications, to minimally invasive heat energy procedures and surgeries. The gentleman still wanted to see if he could alleviate his symptoms on his own, and sought other natural remedies. Again, his symptoms subsided. Eventually, a friend suggested a new supplement that eliminated all symptoms initially, but eventually lost its impact. Gradually the symptoms returned, stronger than ever, and included: urgency to urinate, frequent urination ( including 2 – 3 times each night), weak urinary flow, a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, returning to urinate again minutes after finishing, and dribbling before and after urinating (all symptoms of BPH). In addition to all the renewed symptoms, he was stressed by knowing he would have to urinate often, but not knowing exactly when and where he would be when the urge suddenly took hold. He had to always be aware of bathroom locations – just in case and travel, even around town became frustrating and nerve-wracking.
As we began exploring why the gentleman’s (let’s call him Rob) prostate became enlarged, he brought forward from his subconscious mind five reasons that seemed to have contributed to and reinforced his prostate difficulties, including low self-esteem, distorted beliefs about his sexual body functions, sexual guilt, worries about losing his masculinity while aging and the possibility of a past life experience that might have contributed to his prostate symptoms. Growing up with a verbally abusive father, Rob was constantly criticized, barraged with negative comments, and made to feel inferior. Also, because conversation was not encouraged in his household and definitely not anything alluding to the “S” word, he grew up in a complete sexual information vacuum. That combination caused him to feel uncomfortable with girls and fearful of “what might happen” sexually (some experts believe those kind of experiences contribute to prostate problems). Many years passed before Rob was able to begin to feel sexually comfortable with women and many more years before he became confident about his sexual abilities. But he wasn’t aware that his “confidence” resulted from the conscious, will power part of his mind overriding, but not being able to disconnect, the subconscious unconfident habit. The fact that the unconfident habit was still connected in his subconscious mind meant that something could trigger it at any time and the habit would return. Worrying about aging and his perceived diminishing masculine abilities contributed to that happening, resulting in the prostate symptoms becoming more severe.
It is crucial that a person completely disconnect in his subconscious mind all reasons, experiences, influences and messages that contributed to his unwanted habit taking hold. Each person does that in his own way, perhaps by burning them, burying them, sinking them in the ocean, throwing them off a cliff, or sending them into outer space, etc. After doing that so permanently that the impact of what was released will never be able to re-connect again, he then projects ahead in his mind and perceives how he is going to be as a result of becoming disconnected from the released connection. Positive thoughts, feelings, images and awarenesses come to mind and take hold in the subconscious mind. Because the subconscious mind accepts (new) perceptions as equal to (released) realities, repetition of those perceptions enable them to become the new, positive habits.
In an effort to help Rob use a positive experience from his past to reinforce his future self-confidence, I asked him to return, in his subconscious mind, to a time when he was doing something he really enjoyed and felt good about. He surprisingly, and in great detail, re-experienced his high school, senior year, Thanksgiving football game. The cross-town opponents were in class A, had a backfield that averaged 185 pounds, and a 6 and 2 won-loss record. Rob’s team was in class B, its’ backfield averaged 145 pounds (Rob was the heaviest at 155), and its’ won-lost record was 4 and 4. The outcome of the game seemed obvious. But Rob’s team played inspired football and won the game. Rob had the best game of his high school football career and was chosen the outstanding player of the game. He blocked a punt that led to a touchdown, ran 35 yards for a touchdown, blocked crisply for teammates, made many tackles, intercepted a pass, and boomed a punt over the receiver’s head in the waning minutes that helped insure the victory as the underdogs hung on for an 18 to 14 win. After the game, Rob was scooped up by a former (graduated) player and carried around on his shoulders as the crowd cheered and clapped. Rob said he felt elated, ecstatic and euphoric as well as the happiest, proudest and most confident he has ever felt in his life! He used those words and feelings to reinforce his new confidence levels that replaced the previous ones.
Rob then permanently disconnected the impact of his lack of sexual awareness while growing up and his lack of confidence and failures in sexual situations. He replaced all that with a perceived, complete and comfortable knowledge of sex and imagined having had successful and satisfying sexual experiences throughout his life. Rob also released the influence of all sexual guilt and replaced it with a comfortable sense of compassion and kindness. Because guilt seems to produce pain, Rob released all aspects of pain and discomfort, along with the other symptoms of BPH.
Finally, Rob dealt with his concerns about aging and expected declining masculinity. He recalled immediate family members dying unexpectedly early or living in dis-eased states into later life. Expecting he would be victim to those kinds of happenings caused him to worry about how that would unfold. Stories from friends close to his age contributed to his concern about his declining manly prowess. As he became more comfortable with the hypnotic process, Rob was able to make a decision. He partnered with his subconscious mind and decided to release all of his negative expectations and perceptions about aging. As he projected ahead and imagined himself aging gracefully and becoming younger next year, he rededicated himself to exercising regularly, eating healthily, and sleeping soundly and sufficiently. He also imagined all prostate symptoms disappearing for good.
Rob had once attended a hypnosis workshop on past lives, and was able to access snippets of a past life, but not enough to suggest anything substantial. Intrigued by the possibility of “what was back there”, he occasionally had a dream or brief flashback that seemed to depict him as a laborer helping to build the pyramids. His senses indicated there was something in that past life that contributed to his prostate difficulties. Rob was able, in hypnosis, to return to life as a laborer helping to build the pyramids. Although a rugged young man when he was enslaved into the workforce, for twenty years he was relentlessly whipped by sadistic overseers, which resulted in all confidence being beaten out of him. That negative karma had seemingly accompanied Rob into this life and resulted in his father becoming the sadistic overseer who whipped him into submission with words. With help from his Past Life Self, Higher Self, and Present Life Self, Rob was able to release the influence of all past and current life lack-of-confidence influences on his prostate and replace them with positive perceptions of being happy, healthy and healed and free of prostate symptoms.
I asked Rob to communicate with his prostate, which he was able to do. As they brainstormed a healing strategy, they decided on a win/win situation. The prostate would be healthier as its swelling shrank and Rob would be relieved of the frustrating symptoms. They then returned to a time when Rob and his prostate were healthy and brought those feelings back to the present as the goal they would achieve. The prostate volunteered to insert a lever into itself, which it would turn down at a comfortable pace until all swelling had disappeared, permanently. I then asked Rob’s subconscious mind if it would bring forward a date when the swelling and his symptoms would be completely gone. The twenty-second of the following month came to mind, which was twenty-eight days ahead. Rob’s symptoms began to lessen immediately and on the twenty-second were gone completely.
An important part of the hypnotic healing reinforcement is listening to the personalized CD/MP3 I make, which pulls together all the positive perceptions a client creates as he releases the impact of negative experiences, messages and influences. Usually that recording is in the third person, but I felt in this case the first person would be more powerful and empowering. That recording follows.
“ All of the messages, accomplishments and achievements on this recording are deeply, completely, personally, positively, powerfully and permanently associated with, connected with and reinforced by my affirmation HEALTHY, HAPPY AND HEALED. Every time I listen to this recording, in both my conscious and especially my subconscious states, the powerful messages are accepted and connected in all levels of my mind and body and become a permanent aspect of who I am. My affirmation, HEALTHY, HAPPY AND HEALED powerfully represents my transformation from confused, unconfident and fearful about sex and experiencing frustrating prostate symptoms– to being super confident about and completely and comfortably connected with my masculinity and sexuality and being permanently free of frustrating prostate symptoms.
I permanently released the impact of the past life in which I was enslaved to help build the pyramids. Although physically strong, my inner confidence was beaten out of me by repeated whippings from sadistic overseers – for twenty years. But that cowering lack of confidence was reframed by my Past Life Self, my Higher Self, and my Present Life Self and replaced with a powerful inner self-confidence which now permanently guides me in all ways – especially sexually-related ones. Combined with that is the complete release of all previous confusion, lack of confidence and fears about sexual issues, resulting in complete release of all enlarged prostate symptoms, including: the need to frequently empty my bladder, especially at night; sudden pressure to quickly urinate; dribbling before and after peeing; decreased size and strength of my urine stream; and the urge to pee much more frequently throughout the day and night.
To maximize the return of my enlarged prostate to its former walnut-sized self, I brain-stormed with my sub-conscious mind, my inner advisers and, especially, my prostate. We discussed the negative aspects of the prostate being enlarged, swollen and uncomfortable, and how that caused negative reactions in me, with all the peeing difficulties, as stated previously. As we communicated, and realized we could both benefit by reframing the situation, we agreed to work together. My prostate suggested that it could incorporate a lever into itself that it would gradually and at a comfortable pace open. By doing so it releases the tightness, constriction and discomfort of its expanded self and returns to its former walnut-sized self, feeling completely comfortable and satisfied. And I benefit from that actualization by having all previous pressure released from my urethra, allowing me to pee much less frequently and comfortably, just like I used to when my prostate was in the best of health. We imagined this reframing similar to the movie “Back to the Future”, since we went back to how healthy my prostate and I had been earlier in our life and, knowing that, released the negative, current feelings and replaced them with all the positive ones from earlier in our life.
I released all causes of my enlarged prostate and feel perfectly comfortable in the knowledge that any residual causes of my former “sexual” inadequacies are disconnected permanently by my inner guides and replaced with powerful, confident ones. I transformed from being reactive to powerfully proactive. Just like earlier in this life, I now go for comfortably long periods of time without having to pee, and when I do, my stream is strong and powerful because my prostate is, once again, its normal, comfortable, walnut-shaped size, which it maintains for the rest of my life. I now move ahead with a renewed sense of comfort, confidence and knowledge, which enables me to enjoy complete and permanent prostate health – forever!! In Louise Hay’s words: “I love and approve of myself; I accept my own power; I am forever young in spirit”. [2]
I am now totally and completely self-reliant, self-confident, and filled with independence and determination. I think confidently, talk confidently, and project an image of euphoric self-confidence. I am independent and filled with inner security. I am self-confident internally and externally and project that confidence to my world. I now experience all the warmth and joy in life while detaching from the negativity. From this moment on I see the positive side of everything that happens in my life. I see positive opportunities in everything I experience. My positive thinking now results in a more positive life. I experience a feeling of overall well-being and mental calmness. I am at peace with myself, the world and everyone in it. Each and every day I experience more and more positive results of my positive thinking. My self-esteem increases. I feel enthusiastic about life and look forward to the challenges. I now breathe life with new optimism…new enthusiasm. I am a positive individual who sees the problems only as opportunities. I am patient, calm and centered at all times. I let go of all fear-based emotions. These negative emotions are now part of my past and I use them only as building blocks for a more positive future. I am independent and self-responsible and fully realize that I am unlimited in my ability to create my own reality. I remain centered at all times, physically relaxed, emotionally calm, mentally focused, and alert. I am confident and secure about everything. I maintain a calm mind and think only positive thoughts. I am free of worrying about things I cannot change. I am euphorically confident and secure and mentally at peace. Everything on this recording represents and powerfully reinforces who and how I am and how I thoroughly, comfortably and confidently remain being for the rest of my life: HEALTHY, HAPPY AND HEALED.
[1] http://www.webmd.com/men/prostate-enlargement’bph/features/enlarged-prostate-bph- complex-problem
[2] You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay, Hay House, 1984.