
What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a natural healing modality that uses extreme dilutions of substances from nature to stimulate a healing response. It is based on the Law of Similars which states that if a substance can cause symptoms in a healthy person in its crude form, then it can stimulate self-healing of similar symptoms in a sick person when prepared homeopathically.

What kind of things does homeopathy treat?

Instead of treating specific diseases, Homeopaths treat the whole person.   All of the person’s symptoms, whether physical, mental, or emotional represent a state of imbalance very specific to that individual. The goal of the homeopath is to recognize the unique pattern of symptoms and to identify the remedy that most closely matches that specific pattern. Homeopathy can often cure many of the various ailments that people take for granted or have been told to put up with, such as hay fever, asthma, constipation, migraine, eczema, menstrual, and menopausal problems. It is particularly useful in conditions for which conventional medicine either has nothing to offer or offers only palliative approaches.

How does Homeopathy work?

Although often confused with herbal and nutritional medicine, homeopathy is distinctly different. Herbal and nutritional medicines are primarily physical forms of medicine, whereas homeopathy is an energetic form of medicine. Like other forms of energy medicine (e.g. Acupuncture and Reiki), homeopathy helps dissipate blockages in an individual’s subtle energy that may be preventing the individual’s body wisdom from healing an illness. When the blockages are released, the individual’s body wisdom is freed up to do what it needs to do – restructure, reorganize, release, reconstruct, realign, etc. in order to allow healing to occur.

How does Homeopathy fit into the medical world?

Homeopathy is sanctioned by the World Health Organization as a valid and effective medicine. In the United States, over three thousand medical doctors and licensed health care providers practice homeopathy, and the number continues to rise. The FDA recognizes homeopathic remedies as official drugs and regulates the manufacturing, labeling, and dispensing. Homeopathic remedies also have their own official compendium, the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, first published in 1897. The official acceptance of homeopathy and its integration into the American health care system could prove to have an enormous impact on lowering the cost of national health care, due to its low cost and tremendous health benefits.